Monday, January 4, 2010

First things first...

I would love to figure out wordpress & getting this hosted on my domain, but I'll play around with that this weekend. In the meantime, back to blogger.

So here goes on five ideas/thoughts/potential directions, some of which are vaguer than others...

I did find the distinction of "problem-finding" verus "problem-solving" very useful. In fact, I can't help but wonder if there can be parallels drawn to the realm of management and leadership, something I've studied in B.A. 390, as well as experienced through my involvment with the Foster School of Business. Tentative thought: Management is concerned with problem-solving whereas leadership operates within the space of problem-finding. I sense endless possibilities related to either the concepts themselves or problems within leadership/management models.

This leads to another sort of idea for a project, which relates to The Vera Project, an organization I has been a huge part of my life and pops up in my academic work once in a while. One of Vera's core values is this concept of power-sharing, as a way to teach, learn, and empower youth, especially in a space where essentially the young run a place for themselves. Having just sat through 3 hours of meetings at Vera, I couldn't help but notice that the work we do in a lot of these meetings is exactly what the capstone project should be, as I currently understand it (although please let me know if I'm wrong!), identifying a problem space, researching and understanding this space, and developing a strategy/direction of solution to address said problem. Current problem under discussion: re-examining and defining the responsibilities of the members of the programming committee, (not of the committee itself) especially in regards to partnerships and communicating these effectively in an accessible manner. I find this to be similar to where the Steering Committee was about a year, year-and-a-half, ago. For an existential crisis to hit so many Vera committees suggest some sort of underlying problem, which I don't doubt there is, but would struggle to articulate at this point in time. -> capstone potential!

Another idea would be working with The All-Age Movement Project, which focuses a lot about documenting, sharing knowledge and best practices, and supporting music accessible to all-ages. The knowledge they have is fascinating and useful, but the struggle is in knowledge sharing and putting that knowledge to use. Exploring the ways to aid that mission has potential as a project. And I would love to be able to do something that benefits one of these organizations that I love and support.

On a different note, I'm also studying studying marketing. Here's a problem in marketing, specially advertising: there's too much of it! Too much clutter! The consumer is barely paying attention anymore! I'm also doing an individual research project on some topic to be determined related to advertising, so if there was some way to connect my capstone and this, I think it would be the ultimate interdisciplinary experience of the quarter!

While writing up this post and musing over capstone directions, I sent the following statement to another student... "problem-finding in my own life.... can I just do my capstone on figuring out my life? I'd love some more time to research my own life as it is now and develop potential solutions. I could be my own primary source!" Now THAT would be a useful capstone.

Now to Pecha Kucha all this...


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