I don't buy band shirts. I generally don't buy shirts (although I do own a few) with the brand name splattered all over it. I don't generally want to look like a walking advertisement. Yet I am fascinated with how advertising works, or doesn't.
The various people working in this realm of advertising seems to include a mess of copy-writers, art directors, concept creators, strategists, account managers, project managers designers, producers, and planers. Design firms do ad work. Ad agencies do design work. Who/what/how knows best or does best? Do it matter? Is there strategic differences between them?
I found this chart in an article. Interesting...
Nyilasy G, Reid L. Agency practitioners' meta-theories of advertising. International Journal of Advertising [serial online]. November 2009;28(4):639-668. Available from: Business Source Complete, Ipswich, MA. Accessed January 10, 2010.

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